Well… here we are. It’s my first blog post!

As I see it, I’ve spent effectively the last 24 years of my breathing life learning and making mistakes and I continue to do so. This blog serves to be a place where I share some of the things I’m noticing along the way. Hopefully some of my observations will be funny, others ridiculous, hopefully none disgusting, but most importantly they should interesting. I always thought of having a blog that would be purely an educational resource (only useful to others) but I now see it much more as an unstructured expression of the thoughts, or discussion in a way, that goes on in my head (also useful for me).

Hopefully some of these can at least stimulate the same line of thinking for you, and together we can share ideas and come to new conclusions. To be honest, who knows? I’ll start by making some observations, writing out some of my ideas & notes, and we’ll see from there. 🤷🏻‍♂️

I just wanted to note: I’ve spent so many of my own resources - whether it be time, money, attention or any others - learning about and honestly making mistakes in such a wide range of areas… lately it’s been start-ups, health & fitness, running, dealing with uncertainty, building my identity, and underlying all that: setting goals and working towards them. However, in the past it’s been things like spending (wasting?) money, eating out much too often, and many other things related to career; quitting jobs, negotiating offers, interviewing, and ultimately questioning why we do the things we do, and of course why I do what I do. Or, what do I even want to do?

Tough questions, but not ones that necessarily have answers - I’ve found it helpful to think and talk through all the different permutations.

So… time to write, chat, think, discuss and stimulate some ideas. The only way to figure out that things are or aren’t working is to open your eyes.

P.s. Gladly reach out to me via email if you have an idea you’d like to share.